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  • How do I place an order?
    To place an order simply click on the "Add to Cart" button and your cart will show up at the side.. You will see a Subtotal and a "View Cart" button. Click here to proceed with your purchase. At this point you can "Add a note" in the box if needed. Postage is added and you can then Checkout. Enter your shipping and payment details and review and place your order.
  • Payment, Packaging and Shipping"
    I accept payment via Pay Pal or using most major credit or debit cards. Most of my jewellery is made to order and I usually ship your order within one to two weeks. All orders are sent out using The Royal Mail's First Class signed for service. All orders are placed in a Ware Silver presentation box making them a perfect gift. ​ Urgent Orders If you require something urgently please contact me to see if I can make the item sooner. I can also organise Special Delivery Next when your item has been made.
  • Commissions
    I am happy to discuss tweaking my designs to make your jewellery extra special for yourself or a loved one. For example different elements of my designs can be combined or removed, if needed to celebrate a special occasion. Depending on your request I may need to charge for this personal service.
  • Returns & refunds
    I’m happy to make an exchange or refund for any items with which you are not completely satisfied. The item must be returned new and unworn within 21 days of purchase, in the original gift packaging and posted in a padded envelope (e.g. Jiffy bag) for protection. I take no responsibility for lost or damaged packages and I recommend a tracked service to prevent parcels getting lost. I will pay for the postage of replacement item(s) where appropriate. If you want to return something, please contact me before posting the item back. If one of my items breaks due to normal wear and tear, I will repair or replace the piece. I will also cover the postage involved, both ways. Normal wear and tear of a jewellery item is determined at my discretion. Please bear in mind that jewellery items are meant to break when strong force is applied to them, for safety reasons and to prevent accidents.
  • Measuring for a bangle
    Place your fist on a flat surface , using a tape measure or ruler measure the width from the middle of the first knuckle to the middle of the fourth knuckle. The measurement will be your bangle size (in diameter).
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